Welcome to Osprey Pro!

Manage the quality of power in your electrical network by conforming to mandatory PQ standards and maximising billing revenue by optimizing power efficiency.

Big Data Hosting
Analysis & Visualisation
Digitisation of Electrical Networks
Data Driven Decision Making
Mobile Friendly Web Interface
Data Accessible in Near Real-Time
Automatically Configure Measurement Points

Use campaigns to automatically configure measurement points to measure power factor, comply to a PQ standard, etc.

Automatically Configure Measurement Points
Network-Wide Events

Investigate network-wide PQ events that have occured in close temporal proximity.

Network-Wide Events
Real-Time Viewer

View the current state of the measurement point directly from the instrument.

Real-Time Viewer
Trend Viewer

View trends simultaneously for multiple measuremnt points and PQ parameters.

Trend Viewer
Event Viewer

List events for all measurement points with optional spark lines and view PQ parameters for a selection of events.

Event Viewer
Synchrophasor Viewer

Compare synchrophasors from various measurement points.

Synchrophasor Viewer
Power Factor Irregularities

Identify power factor irregularities by inspecting the daily average power factor per measurement point for the past 30 days.

Power Factor Irregularities
Current Enterprise Power Quality Status

Shows all measurement points currently experiencing power quality problems.

Current Enterprise Power Quality Status
Issues List

Peruse the site-specific and network-wide issues automatically identified by the system.

Issues List
Current Fleet Status

Shows all instruments currently experiencing problems.

Current Fleet Status